Ever thought about why jail maps look like crap?
Not anymore!
Tips for new maps for the jail server! (that dosnt look like crap) Jb_lego_jail (v2)
Top rated at fpsbana! 9.5/10
1462 views after 15days!
589 downloads after 15days!
Nice jail made of lego! Many games n fun!
+Tic tac toe room
+Zombie Freeday room
+Disco with 4 songs, bar, restrooms, chillout lounge, strip poles n more
+Pool area
+Last Req area with s4s room, knifefight pit with moving floor, guntoss and deagle golf (new)
+Maze with 4 spots, random spawns each time. (losers auto kill)
+Race with 4 spots (losers auto kill)
+Teleport Tower game (this time its random)
+Random gun spawn each round
+Auto cell opener (2min)
and much more!
Check it out @ http://www.fpsbanana.com/maps/114951
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Jb_space_jail (v1)
Most viewed at fpsbana! 4925views
Top rated at fpsbana! 9.9/10
Third place on most dl at fpsbana! 2217downloads
Nice jail located on a space station!! Many games n fun!
+Gun toss ramp
+Knife fighting arena
+Soccer Arena
+Run Race
+Swimming Race
+Teleport tower
+Random usp spawn in 1of3 t cells
+lots of secrets!
N much more!
Check it out! Dl@http://www.fpsbanana.com/maps/84695
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If u like the map plz put em up on your server (best server!), and give em a comment+vote on fpsbana!
Any questions? kny.maps@gmail.com